Five Lessons from Lockdown

Published on July 17, 2020

Peter Mayer

Lockdown has been a steep learning curve for us all. Learning that I’m not a particularly good barber is perhaps the least surprising lesson, here are some of the more surprising things the last 4 months have taught us:

1 . Different Office, Same Problems: While some things have changed hugely while working from home (“Who borrowed my laptop charger?!”) we’ve actually been more surprised by the amount of things that have stayed the same. There’s still the “Hot-Desk-Hurry” in the morning to avoid that dodgy chair (bean bag, anyone?) or wobbly desk. There’s still a great deal of importance on good quality hot beverages (Who foresaw themselves becoming their own Barista in 2020?). There’s still the temptation to squeeze in one more meeting, send one more email. Switching off has become an artform. 

2. Interruptions; The New Normal: Whether it’s the kids, the dog or the Amazon Delivery, dealing with regular interruptions has become a recurring theme over the last few months. It’s helped us to realise that it’s not the end of the world when we put the “serious” stuff on hold for a minute; those brief asides can actually help us refocus and see the same problem from a slightly different perspective. 

3. Real emotions, Virtually: We understand that individual emotions are a big part of how decisions are reached. In a board-room you pick up on your colleagues’ and clients’ cues sometimes without even realising it. Over video that’s not quite so easy; especially when the Wi-fi’s up to it’s usual tricks. We think it’s made us more emotionally observant than ever though, and perhaps now more than ever, we need to be. Understanding when someone needs your help or reassurance, professionally or personally, and providing it genuinely is a trend we very much hope carries on long after Covid’s disappeared.

4. You do you: Some of our clients have put life on hold entirely, others have forged ahead with renewed vigor. Both are completely understandable; there’s definitely no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer to the current situation. Supporting our clients and partners in their decision is the key, and we’ll be here for them on the other-side when-ever it might be. At Pelicam we’ve been able to be just as effective remotely in our assurance work and have continued to support both existing and new clients with remote reviews and workshops.

5. The Challenge has only just begun: For a lot of companies, restarting in this strange new world might mean that the next few months prove more challenging than the last few. There are a huge amount of opportunities, but lots of potential pitfalls too. Our next blog will focus on “Restart Thinking” and cover some of those potential challenges, as well as the opportunities for lasting, meaningful improvements. 
