Buzz word or long term trend?

Published on January 12, 2022 by Alison Booth

It seems like every year a new buzz-word emerges and becomes the “must-say” term in board meetings, networking events and project pitches. Some of those trends come and go, soon to be forgotten or replaced by the next hot topic. Others have more staying power, think “Agile” - graduating from a hazily defined fad to a mainstay of the way in which many businesses work. Recently, “Co-Sourcing” has emerged as the on-trend term, a nod to the collaborative and flexible way of working which more and more of our clients are leaning towards. In many ways, Pelicam have co-sourced for a long time - using our diverse team of experts to offer insight and expertise on a flexible basis. We thought it was worth exploring what Co-sourcing really means to our clients, what the advantages are and if it’s here to stay, or just passing through.

What is co-sourcing and why is it helpful for project assurance?

For many organisations undertaking a change project, co-sourcing means engaging with a diverse range of specialists to broaden the level of understanding in the “room”. In a project assurance context this is helpful on a number of levels - most obviously because it allows experts in particular fields to offer insight that might not have been considered by a more “generalist” member of permanent staff. It allows an organisation to have the best experience when it’s needed, and yet not have to have that person on the payroll for parts of the project when it’s not! In that way it’s an extension of the “gig-economy” - a smart way to economise while not sacrificing quality. This means that all aspects of a project, from IT through to Architecture can be scrutinised by the best in the business and that expertise passed on to in-house team members to use for the duration of the project and beyond.

Another aspect of co-sourcing which can sometimes be underestimated is the way in which it can challenge the assumptions and status quo which underpin a project, and which are sometimes detrimental. An external expert can be independent of internal politics or hierarchy - truly focussed on the success of a project. A co-sourced expert can be like a fresh set of eyes on a jigsaw puzzle; able to see the solutions which have alluded those who have been working on it every day.

Why is Pelicam co-sourcing different?

Having co-sourced change projects for some time, at Pelicam we’ve been able to fine-tune our offering based on what we’ve learned from previous engagements. One of the key aspects is offering co-sourcing at any stage of a project.

●      We offer AssureStart (doing the right thing in the right way from day 1)

●      In-flight (at all stages right through to ensuring lessons learnt)

●      Rapid Response (Deep dives, troubleshooting and retrospectives).

It’s never too late to bring the right person into a project and help turn it around.

One of the traits required for effective co-sourcing, but which is sometimes overlooked, is flexibility. Pelicam practitioners are experienced at working with clients rather than for them. In practice this means we genuinely want to understand what’s happening within an organisation and how that impacts a change project, rather than just delivering a report and running for the hills. By being flexible, Pelicam practitioners are able to have the right conversations with the right people to get results, rather than remaining silo’d.

Similarly, Pelicam practitioners have the experience to work with the entire team, from newest employees through to founders and board-members. We know that if co-sourcing is to deliver genuine change there is an element of coaching; it’s not just about making sure this project is going to be a success, it’s about giving the team the tools needed to deliver successfully in the future. Pelicam co-sourcing is as much about passing on our expertise for the future as it is about using that expertise for immediate impact.

With the business landscape seemingly becoming more turbulent for lots of our clients, we expect co-sourcing to become a key pillar of project resourcing. Not only does it provide huge benefits in terms of expertise, it also provides flexibility which is essential in spaces where change happens quickly.

We’re always keen to hear about your projects; past, present or future, and see if Pelicam co-sourcing might be an option. Get in touch with or
