Rapid Response: the smart way of assuring change delivery

Published on 11 May 2022

Now more than ever, the pressure is on to deliver innovative products and services in a more cost effective way. For an increasing number of organisations the question has become; how can I make sure my products stay on track with minimum assurance investment?
Organisations who have already invested huge sums on setting projects up are sometimes reluctant to seek external validation on in-flight work. Yet it’s exactly when a team has been looking at the same problem for weeks or months at a time that there’s the highest risk of losing overall perspective.
It’s for exactly these reasons that independent reviews can provide quick insights in a way which avoids the hardships of internal politics. This is why Pelicam created Rapid Response; a swift and cost effective assessment to ensure things are on track, typically delivered in 5 days.

When does Rapid Response happen?

One of the benefits of Rapid Response reviews is that they can be carried out at any point in the delivery life-cycle. It’s never too early to check your work is on track - whether you’re still in a planning phase or have just kicked off, early assurance is always the smartest way to set yourself up for success.

Conversely, while it’s commonly accepted that it’s more difficult to get things back on track once they’ve gone wrong, there’s always the opportunity to make meaningful, impactful changes even if go-live is just around the corner.

What does it usually include?

Rapid reviews are carried out by our highly experienced practitioners who have the ability to very quickly get to the nub of the problems. Each of our practitioners has the benefit of having delivered projects themselves and having helped over 200 projects land successfully. Used to working in fast paced and challenging environments across all sectors, Pelicam practitioners bring a wealth of experience, balanced with pragmatism. Rapid Response engagements will typically:

  • Swiftly assess and suggest actions to ensure things are on track

  • Nip important problems in the bud

  • Address big challenges and ensure focus is on the things that matter

  • Agree actions for specific problems and create remedial plans

  • Act as a reality check against reported progress and recommendations to increase delivery confidence

Why is Rapid Response a smart investment?

With senior team members feeling increasingly stretched, and with internal assurance teams becoming less and less common, not all organisations have the time or resources to genuinely get under the bonnet of on-going projects and ensure everything is running as it should be. Rapid Response can be applied to projects of any scale and at any stage and provides a very quick, ruthlessly honest way of understanding how things are going.
By keeping reviews short and solutions based, Rapid Response removes the need for drawn-out assurance engagements (or in-house full time assurance) and the costs that come with that. 

In addition to the immediate value of the review itself, Pelicam’s ethos of coaching “as we go” provides ongoing benefit to your team. 

If you think your team would benefit from Pelicam’s Rapid Response or continuous coaching get in touch with us.

To receive a copy of our Rapid Response information sheet please fill in the form here

Pelicam have a proven track record of helping organisations assure their change programmes through dynamic, intelligent assessment of key issues and implementation of solutions. Over recent years it’s become clear that these engagements come in different shapes and sizes. With this in mind, we’ve recently given titles to the four key ways in which we typically work with our clients. You can read more about these services here
