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Pelicam has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and always acts ethically and with integrity to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our supply chain.


We have a strong ethical commitment to be a responsible business with a robust approach to combat slavery and human trafficking. We’re committed  to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking within our supply chains.


Pelicam ensures all the necessary steps to the promotion of ethical practices are in place throughout the Company.


  • As part of Pelicam’s due diligence process into slavery and human trafficking, a supplier approval process includes a review of controls undertaken.


  • We are committed to providing the necessary training to all our employees to ensure full understanding of the risks of human trafficking and modern slavery.


  • Pelicam encourages all its employees, customers and other business partners to report any concerns related to the direct activities, or the supply chains of, the organisation.


We monitor and measures the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. Whilst we recognise a very short supply chain (given the nature of our business) as part of our take on of new suppliers we evaluate susceptibility to modern slavery and human trafficking and take that into account in our decisions.


We also ask our suppliers to sign a co-operation agreement that includes anti-slavery and human trafficking statements.


Additionally, we operate an annual review/audit system to retrospectively check our (and our supply chain’s) exposure in this regard.


We aim to achieve the following by using key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure effectiveness:


  • Targeted trainings on modern slavery:  Mapping and targeting key projects and business streams to disseminate relevant information on modern slavery (KPI1)

  • Promoting on-boarding staff training on modern slavery: 100% of new staff undertake modern slavery training (KPI2)

  • Whistleblowing mechanisms monitored for cases involving modern slavery:  100% of cases recorded through reporting procedures and handled  appropriately and efficiently (KPI3)

  • Ensuring all business partners, staff and subcontractors submit a signed certification form stating they will comply with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015: 100% of on-boarding staff, contractors and business partners submit a signed certification form (KPI4). 


Approved by: 
Peter Mayer
Pelicam Managing Partner

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