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Avoiding SAP Serial Killers

S/4HANA has potentially major benefits, but also serial killers that hinder successful implementation

Across £750m worth of SAP transformations, we have unmasked 5 SAP serial killers that lurk in the shadows of many projects ready to strike. Much like multiple connected murders (if you will allow me to carry on this analogy), the ripple effect permeates wide and deep making it very hard to recover from. Whilst we are well trained in the life saving care of SAP transformations, we much prefer you see us as a preventative measure, giving you a torch to look around those dark corners before you get to them.

Here's some of the line-up to lookout for:

  • Lack of culture alignment creates resistance that hinders collaboration and adoption​

  • Poor SME resourcing approach leads to suboptimal solutions ​

  • Ineffective consolidation of process disrupts timescales and business operations​

  • Quality of data and its governance undermines the quality of the processes​

  • An overzealous view of the new technology to the detriment of the business integration that's needed.​

Our investigators have unmasked some of the usual suspects but every roadmap is different. With all our years on the force, our rag-tag team can help you identify your unique serial killers and help you mitigate them to successfully navigate through the complexity and make sure they never see the light of day.


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